StudySmarter's anthropology notes and revisions will show you that anthropology is the study of humans, their behaviors, cultures, and biological aspects throughout history and across the world.
StudySmarter's Introduction to Anthropology
In fact, anthropology is the study of all human aspects, ranging from ancient societies to contemporary cultures. The study of anthropology begins with the basics of human evolution, social structures, and cultural practices. It then examines more complex aspects such as kinship, religion, and economic systems. It continues with the analysis of themes such as sustainability, aesthetics, functionality, and social impact.
Our planet Earth is filled with various human societies and cultures. These societies interact with their environment, adapt to different cultural contexts, and evolve over time. Imagine observing a modern city with its diverse communities, languages, traditions, and historical influences. All of this is included in the study of anthropology.
Themes of Anthropology and Learning Objectives
On StudySmarter, you'll find essential resources for your anthropology courses. We follow specifications developed by expert anthropology educators. In this way, we ensure that our content is of high quality and relevant to anyone undertaking a learning journey with StudySmarter.
Most anthropology courses cover the following topics:
- Cultural Anthropology
- Biological Anthropology
- Archaeology
- Linguistic Anthropology
You'll find these topics on StudySmarter, but we also offer these additional themes:
- Applied Anthropology
- Medical Anthropology
- Environmental Anthropology
- Ethnographic Methods
- Introduction to all themes of anthropology
Anthropology: Cultural Anthropology
Cultural anthropology is the foundation for studying the social lives and cultures of humans. This field examines fundamental concepts such as kinship, religion, economy, and politics, as well as modern and contemporary theories of culture.
Anthropology: Biological Anthropology
Studying biological anthropology is essential to understanding the evolution of humans and their biological diversity. From early hominins to modern humans, you'll discover major developments in human evolution and their impacts on our understanding of human biology.
Anthropology: Archaeology
Archaeology focuses on the study of ancient human societies through material remains. You'll learn to excavate sites, analyze artifacts, and interpret findings to reconstruct past human behaviors and cultures.
Anthropology: Linguistic Anthropology
Linguistic anthropology examines the role of language in human societies. You'll study how language shapes communication, social identity, and cultural beliefs, as well as the relationship between language and power.
Anthropology: Applied Anthropology
Applied anthropology involves the practical application of anthropological methods and theories to solve real-world problems. You'll explore how anthropologists work in various fields such as health, education, and international development.
Anthropology: Medical Anthropology
Medical anthropology focuses on the cultural and social aspects of health, illness, and healthcare. You'll learn about different medical systems, health practices, and the social determinants of health.
Anthropology: Environmental Anthropology
Environmental anthropology examines the interactions between humans and their environments. You'll study how different cultures understand and manage natural resources, and the impact of environmental changes on societies.
Anthropology: Ethnographic Methods
Ethnographic methods are essential for conducting anthropological research. Some of the qualitative techniques used to gather data and understand human behaviors and cultures. are the following:
Participant observation
Field notes
Focus groups

How Can StudySmarter Help Me Study Anthropology?
Whether you're revising the themes covered in your anthropology course or preparing for your upcoming exams, StudySmarter has everything you need. Our original, effective, smart, and interactive learning system allows you to master anthropology like never before. And the best part: it's completely free!
The Anthropology Revision Guide
Our smart guide is here to introduce you to everything you need to know to successfully revise your courses and exams in anthropology. Here's what you can discover on StudySmarter:
Anthropology Summaries
The anthropology summaries on StudySmarter cover everything you need to know about the essential topics of anthropology, presenting interesting facts that will deepen your understanding and appreciation of the subject.
Anthropology Flash Cards
Flash cards are a fantastic tool that helps you learn in an easy and fun way. The anthropology revision cards contain questions and answers on the themes covered in the summaries. Did you know that you can create your own cards with specific questions you want to practice? Isn't that great?
Anthropology Study Groups
StudySmarter allows you to form study groups and learn with your friends and other anthropology students from larger learning communities. Use the revision cards to quiz your group members and test their knowledge.
Rewards for Learning Anthropology
StudySmarter is your next best friend, encouraging you to learn and achieve the best results. Set your weekly goals: complete topics, answer revision cards correctly, ask questions. Achieving these goals will earn you trophies. The more you learn, the more trophies you earn to celebrate your hard work.